- GethやNethermindを使ってイーサリアムのノード(全取引データ)をダウンロードする。セットアップ方法はこの記事に書いてます。Infuraなどのサードパーティを使って取引データを取得してもいいですが、通信制限にかかる可能性があるので自前のノードを用意した方が無難です。
- Pythonを使ってノードから情報を取ってくるのでPythonをインストールする。
- Web3をインストールする。
pip install web3
- 接続先のローカルIPアドレスを確認して下記のコードを実行し、Connected to ethereum execution nodeと出力されれば無事ノードと通信できてます。
from web3 import Web3
# Connect to your local geth instance
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(""))
# Check if connected
if w3.is_connected():
print("Connected to ethereum execution node.")
# Fetch the latest block number as an additional verification step
latest_block = w3.eth.block_number
print(f"Latest block number: {latest_block}")
print("Not connected to ethereum execution node.")
from web3 import Web3
# Connect to your local geth instance
w3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(""))
start_block = 18346472
def find_transaction_with_address_pattern(
address_type=None, start_pattern=None, end_pattern=None, start_block=None
if address_type not in ["to", "from"]:
print("Invalid address_type. Please choose 'to' or 'from'.")
if start_block is None:
start_block = w3.eth.block_number
current_block = start_block
while current_block > 0:
print(f"Searching block {current_block}...")
block = w3.eth.get_block(current_block, True)
for transaction in block.transactions:
address = transaction.to if address_type == "to" else transaction["from"]
if address_type == "to":
# Check for standard token transfer
if transaction.to and transaction.data.startswith("0xa9059cbb"):
# print(f"transfer: {transaction.hash.hex()}")
token_to_address = "0x" + transaction.data[34:74]
if address_type == "to":
address = token_to_address
# Check for transferFrom token transfer
elif transaction.to and transaction.data.startswith("0x23b872dd"):
# print(f"transferToken: {transaction.hash.hex()}")
token_to_address = "0x" + transaction.data[98:138]
if address_type == "to":
address = token_to_address
if address:
address = address.lower()
start_pattern = start_pattern.lower()
end_pattern = end_pattern.lower()
if start_pattern and not address.startswith(start_pattern):
if end_pattern and not address.endswith(end_pattern):
f"Found transaction {transaction.hash.hex()} in block {current_block} with {address_type} address {address}"
current_block -= 1
print("Transaction with desired pattern not found.")